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14. Rail – Diagnostic and Test


No Command Description  
R1401 getConfigIndex Get the index of the current multi-PHY radio config.  
R1402 setConfigIndex Activate a multi-PHY radio configuration.  
R1403 setCtune Set the value of HFXO CTUNE. The radio must be IDLE.  
R1404 getCtune Get the value of HFXO CTUNE  
R1405 setCtuneDelta Set the value of HFXO CTUNE delta  
R1406 getCtuneDelta Get the value of HFXO CTUNE delta  
R1407 setPaCtune Set the PACTUNE value for TX and RX.  
R1408 enablePaCal Control PA power calibration.  
R1409 setDebugSignal Configure chip specific debug output.  
R1410 setDebugMode Control Debug mode which allows freqOverride.  
R1411 freqOverride  Set the radio frequency. Requires debug mode.  
R1412 configDirectMode Configure direct mode  
R1413 directMode Control direct mode.  
R1414 directTx Control TX in direct mode.  
R1415 txCancel Start a TX that will be cancelled.  
R1416 configHFXOThermistor Configures the thermistor pin and the HFXO compensation parameters.  
R1417 configHFXOCompensation Configure the temperature parameters for HFXO compensation.  
R1418 startThermistor Starts a thermistor measurement.  
R1419 getThermistor Gets the thermistor impedance.  
R1420 getHFXOPPMError Compute the HFXO PPM deviation.  
R1421 compensateHFXO Starts the compensation process on the HFXO.  
R1422 configThermalProtection  Enable thermal protection, configure temperature threshold and cool down  
R1423 getTemperature Show chip, FEM, XTAL temperatures in Celsius (255=invalid)  
R1424 getRandom Get random data from the radio.  
R1425 setTxUnderflow Control TX underflows by not loading the TX FIFO.  
R1426 setRxOverflow Control RX overflows by delaying in the event handler.  
R1427 setCalibrations Control calibrations.  
R1428 setTxTransitions Set the TX state transitions.  
R1429 setRxTransitions Set the RX state transitions.  
R1430 getTxTransitions Get the TX state transitions.  
R1431 getRxTransitions Get the RX state transitions.  
R1432 setNextTxRepeat Set next transmit’s automatic repeat count.  
R1433 ConfigTxRepeatStartToStart Set tx repeat option to have tx repeats delaying from start of tx to start of tx.  
R1434 setNextBleTxRepeat Set next transmit’s automatic repeat count.  
R1435 setTxTimePos Set desired TX timestamp position.  
R1436 setRxTimePos Set desired RX timestamp position.  
R1437 setTimings Set RAIL state transition timings (use -1 to keep same)  
R1438 forceAssert Force a RAIL assert with the given error code.  
R1439 getAppMode Get the current RAILtest AppMode_t mode.  
R1440 getRadioState Get the current RAIL_RadioState_t radio state.  
R1441 verifyRadio Verify radio memory contents.  
R1441 getChannel Get the current radio channel.  
R1441 setChannel Set the radio channel.  
R1441 SetPktOffsetInTxFifo Set the offset in number of bytes of the Tx Data in Tx Fifo.  
R1441 reset Perform a reboot of the chip.  
R1441 writeRmrStructure Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
R1441 updateConfigPtr Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
R1441 reconfigureModem Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
R1441 setRfPath Set the RF path.  
R1450 printEvents Show/Configure printing of RAIL events as they occur.  
R1451 printChipFeatures Display RAIL features supported at compile and runtime.  
R1452 getmemw Read count 32-bit words starting at address.  
R1453 setmemw Write 32-bit values starting at address.  
R1454 throughput Throughput test.  
R1455 setRssiOffset Sets the RSSI offset.  
R1456 getRssiOffset Gets the RSSI offset(s) in dBm.  
R1457 setRssiDetectThreshold Sets the RSSI detect threshold.  
R1458 getRssiDetectThreshold Gets the RSSI detect threshold(in dBm).  
R1459 txAt Transmit a packet at a certain time.  
R1460 setFreqOffset Get/Set the frequency offset adjustment.  
R1461 holdRx Control holding of received packets.  
R1462 wait Suspend processing of CLI input for a while.  
R1463 clearScript Clear the script entered via enterScript.  
R1464 printScript Print the script entered via enterScript.  
R1465 enterScript Enter script entry mode.  Conclude entry mode with text ‘endScript’.  
R1466 runScript Run the script entered via enterScript.  
R1467 setRetimeOption Control retime options.  
R1468 enable802154SignalIdentifier Enable Signal Identifier 2.4Ghz 802.15.4 signal detection  
R1469 enableBleSignalIdentifier Enable Signal Identifier for BLE signal detection  
R1470 getChannelConfigEntry Get the maximum valid channelConfig index, the maximum valid channelConfigEntry index  
R1471 deinitProtocol Deinit the current protocol (BLE, 802.15.4, Z-Wave)  
R1472 EnableCacheSynthCal Sequencer will start caching the calibration values on next state transition  
    and use them  instead of calibrating again for future state transitions.  
    Recalibration will occur when needed (eg. protocol change, temperature change)  






R1442 getChannel Get the current radio channel.
R1443 setChannel Set the radio channel.
    [uint16] channel



No Command Description  
R1401 getConfigIndex Get the index of the current multi-PHY radio config.  
     See the entries in *channelConfigs[]. Start with index 0.  
R1402 setConfigIndex Activate a multi-PHY radio configuration.  
     See the entries in *channelConfigs[]. Start with index 0.  
        [uint8] multiPhyIndex  
R1403 setCtune Set the value of HFXO CTUNE. The radio must be IDLE.  
         [uint16] ctune  
R1404 getCtune Get the value of HFXO CTUNE  
R1405 setCtuneDelta Set the value of HFXO CTUNE delta  
         [uint16] delta  
R1406 getCtuneDelta Get the value of HFXO CTUNE delta  
R1407 setPaCtune Set the PACTUNE value for TX and RX.  
        [uint8] txPaCtune  
        [uint8] rxPaCtune  
    enablePaCal Control PA power calibration.  
        [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R1408 enablePaCal Control PA power calibration.  
R1409 setDebugSignal Configure chip specific debug output.  
     Use ‘setDebugSignal help me’ for more details.  
        [string] pin  
        [string] signal  
        [uint16opt] signalOptions  
R1410 setDebugMode Control Debug mode which allows freqOverride.  
        [uint32] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R1411 freqOverride  Set the radio frequency. Requires debug mode.  
        [uint32] freqHz: Only small deviations from the  current configuration are supported.  
R1412 configDirectMode Configure direct mode  
        [uint8] syncRx: 0=Disable 1=Enable  
        [uint8] syncTx: 0=Disable 1=Enable  
        [uint8] doutPort  
        [uint8] doutPin  
        [uint8] dclkPort  
        [uint8] dclkPin  
        [uint8] dinPort  
        [uint8] dinPin  
        [uint8opt] doutLoc  
        [uint8opt] dclkLoc  
        [uint8opt] dinLoc  
R1413 directMode Control direct mode.  
         [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R1414 directTx Control TX in direct mode.  
        [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R1415 txCancel Start a TX that will be cancelled.  
       [int32] delayUs: when to cancel it  
       [uint8opt] stopMode: [0=RAIL_IDLE_ABORT] 1-3=RAIL_StopMode_t  
R1416 configHFXOThermistor Configures the thermistor pin and the HFXO compensation parameters.  
R1417 configHFXOCompensation Configure the temperature parameters for HFXO compensation.  
        [int8opt] Arg1: enableCompensation  
        Arg2: zoneTemperatureC  
        Arg3: deltaNominal  
        Arg4: deltaCritical  
R1418 startThermistor Starts a thermistor measurement.  
R1419 getThermistor Gets the thermistor impedance.  
R1420 getHFXOPPMError Compute the HFXO PPM deviation.  
    Must be called after a complete thermistor measurement ie after getThermistor.  
R1421 compensateHFXO Starts the compensation process on the HFXO.  
     Must be called after a complete thermistor measurement ie after getThermistor.  
     [uint8opt] 1=restore the initial frequency not compensated  
R1422 configThermalProtection  Enable thermal protection, configure temperature threshold and cool down  
    [uint8opt] Enable protection  
    New temperature threshold in Celsius degrees  
    New cool down  
R1423 getTemperature Show chip, FEM, XTAL temperatures in Celsius (255=invalid)  
        [uint8opt] 1=reset temperature values after reading  
R1424 getRandom Get random data from the radio.  
        [uint16] lengthBytes  
        [uint8opt] [0=show them] 1=hide them  
R1425 setTxUnderflow Control TX underflows by not loading the TX FIFO.  
        [uint8] 1=Force underflows 0=Disable  
R1426 setRxOverflow Control RX overflows by delaying in the event handler.  
        [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
        [uint32opt] delayUs: [0]  
R1427 setCalibrations Control calibrations.  
        [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R1428 setTxTransitions Set the TX state transitions.  
        [string] txSuccess: ‘idle’/’rx’  
        [string] txError: ‘idle’/’rx’  
R1429 setRxTransitions Set the RX state transitions.  
        [string] rxSuccess: ‘idle’/’rx’/’tx’  
        [string] rxError: ‘idle’/’rx’/’tx’  
R1430 getTxTransitions Get the TX state transitions.  
R1431 getRxTransitions Get the RX state transitions.  
R1432 setNextTxRepeat Set next transmit’s automatic repeat count.  
        [uint16] number of auto-repeated transmits after the first  
        [uint32opt] delayUs inter-transmit or hop delay  
        [uint32opt] channel (if hopping)  
    repeat delayUs and channel for additional hops.  
R1433 ConfigTxRepeatStartToStart Set tx repeat option to have tx repeats delaying from start of tx to start of tx.  
        [uint8] 0 to disable, 1 to enable  
R1434 setNextBleTxRepeat Set next transmit’s automatic repeat count.  
        [uint16] number of auto-repeated transmits after the first  
        [uint32opt] delayUs inter-transmit or hop delay  
        [uint32opt] phy railChannel logicalChannel accessAddress  
        (a hop’s config, repeat from delayUs for additional hops)  
R1435 setTxTimePos Set desired TX timestamp position.  
        [uint8] RAIL_PacketTimePosition_t  
R1436 setRxTimePos Set desired RX timestamp position.  
    [uint8] RAIL_PacketTimePosition_t  
R1437 setTimings Set RAIL state transition timings (use -1 to keep same)  
    [int32] idleToRxUs  
    [int32] txToRxUs  
    [int32] idleToTxUs  
    [int32opt] rxToTxUs [0]  
    [int32opt] rxSearchTimeoutUs [0]  
    [int32opt] txToRxSearchTimeout [0]  
    [int32opt] txToTx [0]  
R1438 forceAssert Force a RAIL assert with the given error code.  
    [uint32] RAIL_AssertErrorCodes_t  
R1439 getAppMode Get the current RAILtest AppMode_t mode.  
R1440 getRadioState Get the current RAIL_RadioState_t radio state.  
R1441 verifyRadio Verify radio memory contents.  
    [uint32] durationUs: time limit  
    [uint8] 0=Resume if previously didn’t finish 1=Restart  
    [uint8] 0=current radio config 1=external radio config  
    [uint8] 0=No callback 1=Use RAILCb_ConfigVerification  
R1442 getChannel Get the current radio channel.  
R1443 setChannel Set the radio channel.  
    [uint16] channel  
  SetPktOffsetInTxFifo Set the offset in number of bytes of the Tx Data in Tx Fifo.  
    [uint16opt] Offset in number of bytes.  If no parameter specified, command returns current active Offset  
  reset Perform a reboot of the chip.  
  writeRmrStructure Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
  updateConfigPtr Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
  reconfigureModem Reserved for Simplicity Studio use only.  
  setRfPath Set the RF path.  
    [uint32] 0=Path0 1=Path1  
  printEvents Show/Configure printing of RAIL events as they occur.  
    [uint32opt] printEvents<31:0> printEvents<63:32>  
    [uint32opt] mask<31:0> mask<63:32>  
  printChipFeatures Display RAIL features supported at compile and runtime.  
  getmemw Read count 32-bit words starting at address.  
    [uint32] address  
    [uint32opt] count  
  setmemw Write 32-bit values starting at address.  
    [uint32] address  
    [uint32opt] value0 value1 …  
  throughput Throughput test.  
    [uint32] number of packets  
  setRssiOffset Sets the RSSI offset.  
    [int32] offsetDbm  
  getRssiOffset Gets the RSSI offset(s) in dBm.  
    [uint8opt] [0=radio and protocol-specific] 1=radio only  
  setRssiDetectThreshold Sets the RSSI detect threshold.  
    [int8] RSSI detect threshold (in dBm). (-128 disables detection)  
  getRssiDetectThreshold Gets the RSSI detect threshold(in dBm).  
  txAt Transmit a packet at a certain time.  
    [uint32] time: per mode  
    [stringopt] [‘abs’=Absolute] ‘rel’=Relative  
    [stringopt] ‘abort’ RX if TX occurs during packet RX otherwise TX is delayed to end of RX  
  setFreqOffset Get/Set the frequency offset adjustment.  
    [int32opt] RAIL_FrequencyOffset_t  
  holdRx Control holding of received packets.  
    [uint8] [0=Process packets immediately] 1=Hold packets  
  wait Suspend processing of CLI input for a while.  
    [uint32] waitTimeUs  
    [stringopt] [‘rel’=Relative] ‘abs’=Absolute  
  clearScript Clear the script entered via enterScript.  
    [uint8opt] [0=RAM] 1=Flash  
  printScript Print the script entered via enterScript.  
    [uint8opt] [0=RAM] 1=Flash  
  enterScript Enter script entry mode.  Conclude entry mode with text ‘endScript’.  
    [uint8opt] [0=RAM] 1=Flash-script will run on boot  
  runScript Run the script entered via enterScript.  
    [uint8opt] [0=RAM] 1=Flash-script will run on boot  
  setRetimeOption Control retime options.  
    [uint8] optionBitMask: 1=HFXO | 2=HFRCO | 4=DCDC | 8=LCD  
  enable802154SignalIdentifier Enable Signal Identifier 2.4Ghz 802.15.4 signal detection  
    [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
  enableBleSignalIdentifier Enable Signal Identifier for BLE signal detection  
    [uint8] Mode 0=Disable 1=BLE1Mbps 2=BLE2Mbps  
  getChannelConfigEntry Get the maximum valid channelConfig index, the maximum valid channelConfigEntry index  
     in the selected channelConfig and parameters of the selected channelConfigEntry  
    [uint8] channelConfig index  
    [uint8] channelConfigEntry index  
  deinitProtocol Deinit the current protocol (BLE, 802.15.4, Z-Wave)  
  EnableCacheSynthCal Sequencer will start caching the calibration values on next state transition  
    and use them  instead of calibrating again for future state transitions.  
    Recalibration will occur when needed (eg. protocol change, temperature change)  
    [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  








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