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02. Rail – Receive and Transmit Command


No Command Description  
R0201 rx Control receive mode.  
R0202 rxAt Configure scheduled receive.  
R0203 setRxOptions Show/Configure receive options (RAIL_RX_OPTIONs).  
R0204 tx Transmit packets with current TX options.  
R0205 txWithOptions Same tx command. This command is deprecated.  
R0206 txAfterRx Schedule a TX with specified delay after each RX.  
R0207 configTxOptions Show/Configure transmit options (RAIL_TX_OPTIONs).  
R0208 setFixedLength Configure fixed length packet operation.  
R0209 setPower Set the transmit power. The radio must be IDLE.  
R0210 getPower Get the transmit power in deci-dBm.  
R0211 setPowerConfig Set transmit PA configuration. Must use setpower afterwards.  
R0212 getPowerConfig Get the transmit PA configuration.  
R0213 getPowerLimits Get min and max powerLevel for a power mode.  
R0214 enablePaAutoMode Control automatic PA selection based on the TX power level.  
R0215 configPaAutoMode Configure entries in the default PA Auto Mode plugin.  
R0216 sweepTxPower Sweep TX power for the current PA by toning at each level.  
R0217 offsetLqi  Adjust the hardware’s LQI value for received packets.  
R0218 getRssi Get RSSI in dBm. It’ll be invalid if receiver isn’t ready.  
R0219 sweepPower Sweep power by toning low/high in a square wave fashion.  
R0220 startAvgRssi Start AGC RSSI averaging.  
R0221 getAvgRssi Get AGC RSSI averaging result.  
R0222 setTxTone Control tone transmission.  
R0223 setTxStream Control stream transmission.  
R0224 status Print the current status counters.  
R0225 fifoStatus Print the current FIFO-related counters.  
R0226 setTxHoldOff Control transmit hold-off (blocking of transmits).  
R0227 setTxDelay Set the inter-packet delay for repeated TX.  
R0228 getTxDelay Get the inter-packet millisecond delay for repeated TX.  
R0229 setTxPayload Set TX packet payload bytes for future transmits.  
R0230 setTxRandom Set a specified range of bytes in the Tx packet payload to a  
R0231 setTxPayloadQuiet Like setTxPayload, but less verbose.  
R0232 setTxLength Set how much data to load into the TX FIFO for transmitting.  
R0233 printTxPacket Print the current TX payload data and byte length.  
R0234 peek Peek at the start of the receive buffer.  
R0235 getTime Get the current RAIL time in microseconds.  
R0236 setTime Set the current RAIL time.  
R0237 dataConfig Control the data methods for TX and RX.  
R0238 setRxFifo Set the receive buffer length.  
R0239 setTxFifo Set the transmit buffer length.  
R0240 setTxFifoThreshold Set the TX FIFO Almost Empty threshold.  
R0241 setRxFifoThreshold Set the RX FIFO Almost Full threshold.  
R0242 fifoModeTestOptions Manual control over RAILtest FIFO actions.  
R0243 rxFifoManualRead Read and print bytes from receive FIFO when in manual mode.  
R0244 txFifoManualLoad Try to load data into available TX FIFO space.  
R0245 fifoReset Reset the transmit and/or receive FIFO.  
R0246 abortRxPacket Idle the radio shortly after RX sync word detection.  
R0247 printTxAcks Control printing of TX ACK packets.  
R0248 configRxHopping Configure an RX Channel Hopping sequence.  
R0249 enableRxHopping Control RX channel hopping previously configured.  
R0250 configRxHoppingOpts Configure options for a hop. Use configRxHopping after.  
R0251 configRxMultiHop Configure multi-sense for a hop. Use configRxHopping after.  
R0252 getRxHoppingRssi Get the latest RSSI for a hopping channel.  
R0253 spectrumAnalyzer Hop across a channel range to see the RSSI distribution.  
R0254 configRxDutyCycle Configure RX Duty Cycling of the receiver.  
R0255 enableRxDutyCycle Control RX duty cycling previously configured.  
R0256 getDefaultRxDutyCycleConfig Get the default RX duty cycle configuration.  
R0257 setTxAltPreambleLen Set alternate TX preamble length, enabled via txOptions.  
R0258 configSyncWords Set sync words and their length. The radio must be off.  
R0259 getSyncWords Get the sync word length in bits and value(s).  
R0260 printRxErrors Control printing of RX error packets.  
R0261 printRxFreqOffsets Control printing of RX frequency offsets.  
R0262 printDataRates Print the data rates of the current PHY.  
R0263 stopInfinitePream Stops an infinite preamble transmission.  





R0201     rx     Control receive mode.

Option [uint8] 0=Disable [1=Enable]  




R0204     tx     Transmit packets with current TX options.

Option [uint32] number of packets, 0=continuous until next ‘tx 0’  




R0223     setTxStream     Control stream transmission.

Option [uint32] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
  [uint32opt] streamMode: 1=PN9, 2=1010,  3=phaseNoise 0=tone  
  [uint32opt] antenna: [0]/1  
Exercise setTxStream 1 1 0  




R0202 rxAt Configure scheduled receive.  
                        [uint32] startTimeUs  
                        [string] ‘rel’=Relative ‘abs’=Absolute  
                        [uint32] endTimeUs  
                        [string] ‘rel’=Relative ‘abs’=Absolute  
                        [uint8opt] rxTransEndSched: [0]/1  
                        [uint8opt] hardEnd: [0]/1  
R0203 setRxOptions Show/Configure receive options (RAIL_RX_OPTIONs).  
                        [uint32opt] rxOptionsValues: bitmask of enabled options  
R0205 txWithOptions Same tx command. This command is deprecated.  
                        [uint32] number of packets, 0=continuous until next ‘tx 0’  
R0206 txAfterRx Schedule a TX with specified delay after each RX.  
                        [uint32] delayUs: 0=Disable  
R0207 configTxOptions Show/Configure transmit options (RAIL_TX_OPTIONs).  
                        [uint32opt] txOptionsValues: bitmask of enabled options  
R0208 setFixedLength Configure fixed length packet operation.  
                        [uint16] fixedLength: payload bytes  
R0209 setPower Set the transmit power. The radio must be IDLE.  
                        [int32] power: deci-dBm unless ‘raw’ is added  
                        [stringopt] ‘raw’=units are raw power level  
R0210 getPower           Get the transmit power in deci-dBm.  
R0211 setPowerConfig Set transmit PA configuration. Must use setpower afterwards.  
                        [string] paMode  
                        [uint16] millivolts  
                        [uint16] rampTimeUs  
R0212 getPowerConfig Get the transmit PA configuration.  
R0213 getPowerLimits Get min and max powerLevel for a power mode.  
                        [uint8opt] powerMode  
R0214 enablePaAutoMode Control automatic PA selection based on the TX power level.  
                        [uint8] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R0215 configPaAutoMode Configure entries in the default PA Auto Mode plugin.  
                        [uint8] start Index  
                        [int32opt] min max mode band: PA auto config entries  
R0216 sweepTxPower Sweep TX power for the current PA by toning at each level.  
R0217 offsetLqi  Adjust the hardware’s LQI value for received packets.  
                        [int32] offset: signed value to add  
                        The resulting LQI is capped within 0..255 range.  
R0218 getRssi Get RSSI in dBm. It’ll be invalid if receiver isn’t ready.  
                        [uint32opt] [0=don’t wait] 1=wait for valid RSSI if possible  
R0219 sweepPower Sweep power by toning low/high in a square wave fashion.  
                        [int32] lowPower: deci-dBm  
                        [int32] hiPower: deci-dBm  
                        [uint32] periodUs  
R0220 startAvgRssi Start AGC RSSI averaging.  
                        [uint32] averageTimeUs  
                        [uint16opt] channel: if different than current channel  
R0221 getAvgRssi Get AGC RSSI averaging result.  
R0222 setTxTone Control tone transmission.  
                        [uint32] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
                        [uint32opt] antenna: [0]/1  
                        [uint32opt] mode: [0]/1=phaseNoise  
R0224 status             Print the current status counters.  
R0225 fifoStatus        Print the current FIFO-related counters.  
R0226 setTxHoldOff        Control transmit hold-off (blocking of transmits).  
                        [uint32] 0=Disable 1=Enable  
R0227 setTxDelay Set the inter-packet delay for repeated TX.  
                        [uint32] delayMilliseconds  
R0228 getTxDelay Get the inter-packet millisecond delay for repeated TX.  
R0229 setTxPayload Set TX packet payload bytes for future transmits.  
                        [uint16] offset  
                        [uint8opt] byte0 byte1 …  
R0230 setTxRandom Set a specified range of bytes in the Tx packet payload to a  
                        random value. Call setTxRandom again to stop randomizing the payload.  
                        [uint16opt] Start Index  
                        [uint16opt] End Index  
R0231 setTxPayloadQuiet Like setTxPayload, but less verbose.  
                        [uint16] offset  
                        [uint8opt] byte0 byte1 …  
R0232 setTxLength Set how much data to load into the TX FIFO for transmitting.  
                        Actual packet length may vary based on radio configuration.  
                        [uint16] lengthBytes  
R0233 printTxPacket Print the current TX payload data and byte length.  
R0234 peek Peek at the start of the receive buffer.  
                        [uint16] bytes: 1-10  
                        [uint16opt] offset: [0]  
R0235 getTime Get the current RAIL time in microseconds.  
R0236 setTime Set the current RAIL time.  
                        [uint32] timeUs  
R0237 dataConfig Control the data methods for TX and RX.  
                        [string] txMethod: ‘pkt’/’fifo’  
                        [string] rxMethod: ‘pkt’/’fifo’  
                        [uint8opt] RAIL_RxDataSource_t (>0 needs fifo mode)  
                        [uint8opt] RAIL_TxDataSource_t (>0 needs ping-pong buffer)  
R0238 setRxFifo Set the receive buffer length.  
                        [uint16] lengthBytes: range 64-RX_BUFFER_SIZE  
R0239 setTxFifo Set the transmit buffer length.  
                        [uint16] lengthBytes: range 64-TX_BUFFER_SIZE, 0 for default size  
R0240 setTxFifoThreshold Set the TX FIFO Almost Empty threshold.  
                        [uint16] thresholdBytes: below which the event triggers  
R0241 setRxFifoThreshold   Set the RX FIFO Almost Full threshold.  
                        [uint16] thresholdBytes: above which the event triggers  
R0242 fifoModeTestOptions  Manual control over RAILtest FIFO actions.  
                        [uint8] txFifo: 1=Manual 0=Automatic  
                        [uint8] rxFifo: 1=Manual 0=Automatic  
R0243 rxFifoManualRead Read and print bytes from receive FIFO when in manual mode.  
                        [uint8] appendedInfo: 1=include packet metadata  
                        [uint16] bytesToRead  
                        [uint8opt] [0=don’t] 1=show timestamps with appendedInfo  
R0244 txFifoManualLoad Try to load data into available TX FIFO space.  
R0245 fifoReset Reset the transmit and/or receive FIFO.  
                        [uint8] tx: 1=reset TX FIFO  
                        [uint8] rx: 1=reset RX FIFO  
R0246 abortRxPacket Idle the radio shortly after RX sync word detection.  
                        [uint32] abortOffsetUs  
R0247 printTxAcks Control printing of TX ACK packets.  
                        [uint8] [0=Disable] 1=Enable  
R0248 configRxHopping Configure an RX Channel Hopping sequence.  
                        [uint32opt] channel hopMode param delayUs: a hop’s config,  
                                    repeat for additional hops …  
    Use no arguments to get Z-Wave radio config defaults.  
R0249 enableRxHopping Control RX channel hopping previously configured.  
                        [uint8] [0=Disable] 1=Enable  
                        [uint8opt] [0=Continue] 1=Restart sequence  
R0250 configRxHoppingOpts Configure options for a hop. Use configRxHopping after.  
                        [uint8] hopIndex  
                        [uint8] options  
                        [int8opt] rssiThreshold: dBm for the threshold option  
R0251 configRxMultiHop Configure multi-sense for a hop. Use configRxHopping after.  
                        [uint8] hopIndex  
                        [uint32] syncDetectUs  
                        [uint32] preambleSenseUs  
                        [uint32] timingSenseUs  
                        [uint32] timingReSenseUs  
R0252 getRxHoppingRssi Get the latest RSSI for a hopping channel.  
                        [uint8] hopIndex  
R0253 spectrumAnalyzer Hop across a channel range to see the RSSI distribution.  
                        [uint8] 1=Show ASCII-Art graph (non-parseable output)  
                        [uint16opt] minChannel: [0]-65535  
                        [uint16opt] maxChannel: 0-[65535]  
                        Channel range is limited by the PHY and by hopping’s  
R0254 configRxDutyCycle Configure RX Duty Cycling of the receiver.  
                        [uint32] hopMode  
                        [int32] parameter(s) {syncUs preamUs timingUs retimingUs}  
                        [int32] delayUs  
                        [int32opt] options  
                        [int32opt] rssiThreshold: dBm for the threshold option  
R0255 enableRxDutyCycle Control RX duty cycling previously configured.  
                        [uint8] DutyCycling: 0=Disable 1=Enable  
                        [uint8opt] ScheduledWakeup: [0=Disable] 1=Enable  
R0256 getDefaultRxDutyCycleConfig Get the default RX duty cycle configuration.  
R0257 setTxAltPreambleLen Set alternate TX preamble length, enabled via txOptions.  
                        [uint16] preambleBits  
R0258 configSyncWords Set sync words and their length. The radio must be off.  
                        [uint8] bits: 2-32  
                        [uint32] syncWord1  
                        [uint32opt] syncWord2: [same as syncWord1]  
R0259 getSyncWords Get the sync word length in bits and value(s).  
R0260 printRxErrors Control printing of RX error packets.  
                        [uint8] [0=Disable] 1=Enable  
R0261 printRxFreqOffsets Control printing of RX frequency offsets.  
                        [uint8] [0=Disable] 1=Enable  
R0262 printDataRates Print the data rates of the current PHY.  
R0263 stopInfinitePream Stops an infinite preamble transmission.  












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