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1.  wisun help 

 [2024-07-27 16:13:47.961 R]wisun help

  join_fan10                    Connect to a Wi-SUN network using FAN1.0 settings
  join_fan11                    Connect to a Wi-SUN network using FAN1.1 settings
  join_explicit                 Connect to a Wi-SUN network using explicit PHY settings
  disconnect                    Disconnect from the Wi-SUN network
  set                           Set a variable
                                [*] empty | help | [string] Key [string] Value
  get                           Get a variable
                                [*] empty | help | [string] Key
  save                          Save variables to non-volatile storage
  reset                         Reset variables to default settings
  mode_switch                   configure PHY mode switch: w ms
                                [uint8] mode: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=default
                                [uint8] PhyModeId
                                [stringopt] neighbor MAC address (optional)
  measure                       Measure a remote host or quick measurement
                                [string] Remote address or ‘all’ or ‘parent’ or ‘br’
                                [uint16] Count of measurement packets
                                [uint16] Measurement packet length
  print_nodeinfo                Print info about Border Router and Neighbors
  ping                          Ping a remote host
                                [string] Remote address



 WiFi IoT Module





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