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1. Help Command

iperf get help

Help of iperf ‘get’ and ‘set’ methods

Available sub-domains :

[csut]: corresponds to client/server/udp/tcp. Indicates in which case the parameter applies

Type ‘iperf [get or set] <sub-domain> help’

eg. ‘iperf get options help’ to get the help of all options
‘iperf get options’ for all current options values
‘iperf get results’ for test results
‘iperf get options.<option>’ for a specific option value



1. iperf “options” Sub-domain Command

iperf get options help

[csu ] options.port Server port to listen on/connect to [uint16] (default 5001)
[c u ] options.remote_addr IPv6 remote host address [string]
[c u ] options.bandwidth Unused if packet_number is set. Otherwise used to compute packet_number as bandwidth*duration/buffer_length [uint32] (default 20000)
[csu ] options.bw_format Unused if packet_number is set. One of [bits/s, Kbits/s, Mbits/s, Gbits/s, bytes/s, Kbytes/s, Mbytes/s, Gbytes/s] [string] (default bits/s)
[c u ] options.packet_number Number of packets to send. (Rules out bandwidth) [uint16] (default 0=unset)
[c u ] options.buffer_length buffer_length
[csu ] options.duration Test duration in seconds [uint16] (default 10)
[csu ] options.interval Seconds between periodic bandwidth reports [uint16] (default 1)


2. iperf “results” Sub-domain Command

iperf get results help

[csu ] results.json Last test result in json format
[csu ] results.text Last test result in text format



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