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1. Help Command

> wisun set wisun help
[rw] wisun.network_name  Wi-SUN network [string] max 32
[rw] wisun.regulatory_domain  Wi-SUN regulatory domain [uint8]
[rw] wisun.operating_class  Wi-SUN operation class [uint8]
[rw] wisun.operating_mode Wi-SUN operating mode [uint16]
[rw] wisun.fec 1 to use FEC, 0 otherwise [bool] (0|1)
[rw] wisun.chan_plan_id Wi-SUN channel plan ID [uint8]
[rw] wisun.phy_mode_id Wi-SUN PHY mode ID [uint8]
[rw] wisun.ch0_frequency Ch0 frequency in kHz [uint32]
[rw] wisun.number_of_channels Number of channels [uint16]
[rw] wisun.channel_spacing Channel spacing in kHz [uint16]
[rw] wisun.crc_type Custom CRC type [uint8]
[rw] wisun.preamble_length Custom preamble length [uint8]
[rw] wisun.stf_length Custom STF length [uint8]
[rw] wisun.protocol_id Radioconf protocol ID [uint16]
[rw] wisun.channel_id Radioconf channel ID [uint16]
[rw] wisun.network_size Wi-SUN network size [uint8]
[rw] wisun.tx_power TX power in dBm [uint8]
[rw] wisun.unicast_dwell_interval Unicast dwell interval in ms [uint8]
[rw] wisun.broadcast_interval Broadcast interval in ms [uint32]
[rw] wisun.broadcast_dwell_interval Broadcast dwell interval in ms [uint8]
[rw] wisun.allowed_channels Allowed channel ranges (e.g. 0-54,57-60,64,67-68)
[rw] wisun.gtk1 GTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.gtk2 GTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.gtk3 GTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.gtk4 GTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.lgtk1 LGTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.lgtk2 LGTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.lgtk3 LGTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.lgtk4 LGTK to install, ‘none’ to uninstall [string]
[rw] wisun.trace_filter Trace filter group list, 1 bit per group
[rw] wisun.regulation Regional regulation [uint8]
[rw] wisun.rx_mdr_capable Indicate if MDR Command is supported
[rw] wisun.rx_phy_mode_ids List of PhyModeId to advertise in POM-IE
[rw] wisun.lfn_profile Wi-SUN LFN profile [uint8]
[rw] wisun.neighbor_table_size Neighbor table size [uint8]
[rw] wisun.keychain Keychain [uint8]
[rw] wisun.keychain_index Built-in keychain index [uint8]



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