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UDP Unicast Exercise with PC


Netcat used in the test is provided for various O/S such as Linux and Windows,

and it is one of the most basic utilities for TCP/UDP communication tests.

Above all, since the source code is provided,

the basic implementation of TCP/UDP can be reviewed, and secondary development can be carried out using it.




1. Run UDP Server

Open a cmd window on the PC and run Netcat as follows to open a UDP socket.  → nc -u -l -v -p 20000



The server is waiting for a word (-l) from a client connecting to this port through port 20000 ( -p 20000).

Also, when an event occurs while the server is running, it performs a function (-v) to notify it.





2. UDP Client Settings

Open the PC cmd window and set the server address and communication port to open the UDP socket.→ nc -u 20000



When the client is connected, the server notifies the current client connection status by message.





3. Sending and receiving data through UDP socket

First, the client sends a data “abcd” to the server, and then the server sends a data “abcde” to the client.






4. Checking UDP Communication with Packet Capture

–  Will be written later



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