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MXOS supports JSON format parsing for easy data transfer.


§ MXCHIP MXOS API Site 참조한다.

⊕ mxos-demos SDK를 참조한다.




1. JSON Parsing API  List


JSON Parsign API Descrtiption
json_object_get Incremental json_object reference count
json_object_put Decrement reference count of json_object
json_object_is_type Query if the json object is a given type
json_object_get_type Get the type of json object instance
json_object_to_json_string Convert a Json object instance from a type to a character
json_object_new_object Create a Json object
json_object_get_object Get a type hash table of a Json object
json_object_object_add Add a field name for a json object of the specified type
json_object_object_get Get a json object associated with a given field name
json_object_object_del Delete the given json object field
json_object_new_array Create a json object of type json_object_array
json_object_get_array Get a list of arrays of json_object_array type json objects
json_object_array_length Get the length of a json_object_array type json object
json_object_array_add Add an element to the end of a json_type_array type json object
json_object_array_put_idx Inserts or replaces an element of the specified index in the array, which is a json object of type json_type_array
json_object_array_get_idx Gets the element of the specified index in the array, which is a json object of type json_type_array
json_object_new_boolean Create a json object of type json_object_boolean
json_object_get_boolean Get the boolean value of a json object
json_object_new_int Create an empty json object of type json_object_int
json_object_new_int64 Create a json object of type json_object_int, 64 bits
json_object_get_int Get the integer value of a json object, type: json_object_int
json_object_get_int64 Get the integer value of a json object, type: json_object_int, 64 bits
json_object_new_double creates a json object of type json_object_double
json_object_get_double Get the value of a json object, type: json_object_double
json_object_new_string Create a json object of type json_object_string
json_object_new_string_len: creates a json object of the specified length, type: json_object_string
json_object_get_string Get the string value of the json object, object type: json_object_string
json_object_to_json_string_ex get the memory buffer information of the json object
json_object_get_string_len Get the string length of the json object, object type: json_object_string





2. Example


Example implementation: Output the parameters of the RGB light in a json format, parse the variables in the Json string, and print. code show as below:





#include "mxos.h"
#include "json_c/json.h"
#include "micokit_ext.h"
#define os_json_log(M, ...) custom_log("JSON", M, ##__VA_ARGS__)

void test_jsonc()  
  /*control info*/
  bool rgb_sw = false;
  int  rgb_hue = 0;
  int  rgb_sat = 0;
  int  rgb_bri = 0;

  /*1:construct json object*/
  struct json_object *recv_json_object=NULL;

  struct json_object *device_object=NULL;
  json_object_object_add(device_object, "Hardware", json_object_new_string("MiCOKit3288"));   
  json_object_object_add(device_object, "RGBSwitch", json_object_new_boolean(false)); 
  json_object_object_add(device_object, "RGBHues", json_object_new_int(0)); 
  json_object_object_add(device_object, "RGBSaturation", json_object_new_int(100));  
  json_object_object_add(device_object, "RGBBrightness", json_object_new_int(100)); 

  json_object_object_add(recv_json_object,"device_info",device_object);/*one pair K-V*/

      {  "Hardware": "MiCOKit3288", 
         "RGBSwitch": false, 
         "RGBHues": 0, 
         "RGBSaturation": 100, 
         "RGBBrightness": 100 

  /*2:parse json object*/
  json_object* parse_json_object=json_object_object_get(recv_json_object,"device_info");
  /*get data one by one*/
  json_object_object_foreach(parse_json_object, key, val) {
          if(!strcmp(key, "RGBSwitch")){
            rgb_sw = json_object_get_boolean(val);
          else if(!strcmp(key, "RGBHues")){
            rgb_hue = json_object_get_int(val);
          else if(!strcmp(key, "RGBSaturation")){
            rgb_sat = json_object_get_int(val);
          else if(!strcmp(key, "RGBBrightness")){
            rgb_bri = json_object_get_int(val);
    /*3:parse finished,free memory*/
    json_object_put(recv_json_object);/*free memory*/   

    /*4:operate rgb*/
   os_json_log("control rgb led now");
   hsb2rgb_led_open(rgb_hue, rgb_sat, rgb_bri);/*turn red*/

int application_start( void )
    return 0;  





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