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MXOS’s hardware abstraction layer is the interface layer between the operating system kernel and the hardware circuitry.





HAL-II  API List  → Task SW, Standby, PWR Save and Config, State LED, Operation Mode


HAL-II API Description
mxosSystemReboot System software restart
mxosSystemStandBy Set the system’s wake-up time
mxosMcuPowerSaveConfig When all threads enter the suspended state, the system enters low power mode
mxosSysLed Control System Status Indicator
mxosRfLed              Control System RF Status Indicator
mxosShouldEnterMFGMode The system enters the MFG production test mode
mxosShouldEnterATEMode The system enters ATE mode
mxosShouldEnterBootloader The system enters bootloader mode




이상 끝 ~~~

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