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LTE Command List

SIM7600E, SIM7600EK, SIM7600G, SIM7600NA, 등의 SIMCOM LTE 모듈에 적용된 AT Command 리스트는 다음과 같다.


01. Introduction 11. TCP/IP 21. Audio
02.  V.25TER 12. FTPS 22. TTS
03. Status Control 13. HTTPS 23. UIM Hotswap
04. Network 14. HTP 24. HSIC LAN
05. Call Control 15. NTP 25. Ecall
06. Phonebook 16. MQTT(S) 26. FOTA
07. SIM Application Toolkit 17. GPS 27. MIFI
08. GPRS 18. LBS 28. BT
09. SMS Control 19. Hardware  
10. SSL 20. File System  




2. V.25TER  Command Description
L0201 A/ Re-issues the Last Command Given
L0202 ATD Mobile Originated Call to Dial A Number
L0203 ATD><mem><n> Originate call from specified memory
L0204 ATD><n> Originate call from active memory(1)
L0205 ATD><str> Originate call from active memory(2)
L0206 ATA Call answer
L0207 ATH Disconnect existing call
L0208 ATS0 Automatic answer incoming call
L0209 +++ Switch from data mode to command mode
L0210 ATO Switch from command mode to data mode
L0211 ATI Display product identification information
L0212 AT+IPR Set local baud rate temporarily
L0213 AT+ICF Set control character framing
L0214 AT+IFC Set local data flow control
L0215 AT&C Set DCD function mode
L0216 ATE Enable command echo
L0217 AT&V Display current configuration
L0218 AT&D Set DTR function mode
L0219 AT&S Set DSR function mode
L0220 ATV Set result code format mode
L0221 AT&F Set all current parameters to manufacturer defaults
L0222 ATQ Set Result Code Presentation Mode
L0223 ATX Set CONNECT Result Code Format
L0224 AT\V Set CONNECT Result Code Format About Protocol
L0225 AT&E Set CONNECT Result Code Format About Speed
L0226 AT&W Save the user setting to ME
L0227 ATZ Restore the user setting from ME
L0228 AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
L0229 AT+CGMM Request model identification
L0230 AT+CGMR Request revision identification
L0231 AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification
L0232 AT+CSCS Select TE character set
L0233 AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
L0234 AT+CIMIM Request another international mobile subscriber identity
L0235 AT+GCAP Request overall capabilities



3. Status Control  Command Description
L0301 AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
L0302 AT+CPIN Enter PIN
L0303 AT+CICCID Read ICCID from SIM card
L0304 AT+CSIM Generic SIM access
L0305 AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access
L0306 AT+SPIC Times remain to input SIM PIN/PUK
L0307 AT+CSPN Get service provider name from SIM
L0308 AT+CSQ Query signal quality
L0309 AT+AUTOCSQ Set CSQ report
L0310 AT+CSQDELTA Set RSSI delta change threshold
L0311 AT+CATR Configure URC destination interface
L0312 AT+CPOF Power down the module
L0313 AT+CRESET Reset the module
L0314 AT+CACM Accumulated call meter
L0315 AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum
L0316 AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
L0317 AT+CCLK Real time clock management
L0318 AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
L0319 AT+CPAS Phone activity status
L0320 AT+SIMEI Set IMEI for the module
L0321 AT+SMEID Request Mobile Equipment Identifier
L0322 AT+CSVM Voice Mail Subscriber number



4. Networks Command Description
L0401 AT+CREG Network Registration
L0402 AT+COPS Operator selection
L0403 AT+CLCK Facility lock
L0404 AT+CPWD Change password
L0405 AT+CCUG Closed User Group
L0406 AT+CUSD Unstructured supplementary service data
L0407 AT+CAOC Advice of Charge
L0408 AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
L0409 AT+CPOL Preferred operator list
L0410 AT+COPN Read operator names
L0411 AT+CNMP Preferred mode selection
L0412 AT+CNBP Preferred band selection
L0413 AT+CNAOP Acquisitions order preference
L0414 AT+CPSI Inquiring UE system information
L0415 AT+CNSMOD Show network system mode
L0416 AT+CEREG EPS network registration status
L0417 AT+CTZU Automatic time and time zone update
L0418 AT+CTZR Time and time zone reporting



5. Call Control Command Description
L0501 AT+CVHU Voice hang up control
L0502 AT+CHUP Hang up call
L0503 AT+CBST Select bearer service type
L0504 AT+CRLP Radio link protocol
L0505 AT+CR Service reporting control
L0506 AT+CRC Cellular result codes
L0507 AT+CLCC List current calls
L0508 AT+CEER Extended error report
L0509 AT+CCWA Call waiting
L0510 AT+CHLD Call related supplementary services
L0511 AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions
L0512 AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation
L0513 AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
L0514 AT+COLP Connected line identification presentation
L0515 AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
L0516 AT+VTD Tone duration
L0517 AT+CSTA Select type of address
L0518 AT+CMOD Call mode
L0519 AT+VMUTE Speaker mute control
L0520 AT+CMUT Microphone mute control
L0521 AT+MORING Enable or disable report MO ring URC
L0522 AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
L0523 AT+SIDET Set sidetone
L0524 AT+CACDBFN Change default ACDB filename
L0525 AT+CPCMREG USB audio control
L0526 AT+CMICGAIN Adjust mic gain
L0527 AT+COUTGAIN Adjust out gain
L0528 AT+CTXVOL Adjust TX voice mic volume
L0529 AT+CTXMICGAIN Adjust TX voice mic gain
L0530 AT+CRXVOL Adjust RX voice output speaker volume
L0531 AT+CECH Inhibit far-end echo
L0532 AT+CECDT Inhibit echo during doubletalk
L0533 AT+CECWB Inhibit echo in the high band
L0534 AT+CNSN MIC NOISE suppression
L0535 AT+CNSLIM MIC NOISE suppression
L0536 AT+CFNSMOD Adjust parameter fnsMode of RX_VOICE_FNS
L0537 AT+CFNSIN Adjust parameter fnsInputGain of RX_VOICE_FNS
L0538 AT+CFNSLVL Adjust parameter fnsTargetNS of RX_VOICE_FNS
L0539 AT+CECRX Enable or disable VOICE_MOD_ENABLE
L0540 AT+CNLPPG Modify the NLPP_gain in DSP
L0541 AT+CNLPPL Modify the NLPP_limit in DSP
L0542 AT+CECM Adjust echo canceller
L0543 AT+CPCMFRM Set usb audio sample rate to 16K bit
L0544 AT+CPTONE Play tone
L0545 AT+CODECCTL Control codec by Host device or Module
L0546 AT+CPCMBANDWIDTH Modify the sampling rate of the PCM
L0547 AT+CSDVC Switch voice channel device



6. Phonebook Command Description
L0601 AT+CPBS Select Phonebook memory storage
L0602 AT+CPBR Read Phonebook entries
L0603 AT+CPBF Find Phonebook entries
L0604 AT+CPBW Write Phonebook entry
L0605 AT+CNUM Subscriber number



7. SIM Application Toolkit Command Description
L0701 AT+STIN SAT Indication
L0702 AT+STGI Get SAT information
L0703 AT+STGR SAT respond
L0704 AT+STK STK switch
L0705 AT+STKFMT Set STK pdu format
L0706 AT+STENV Original STK PDU Envelope Command
L0707 AT+STSM Get STK Setup Menu List with PDU Mode



8. GPRS Command Description
L0801 AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status
L0802 AT+CGATT Packet domain(GPRS service) attach or detach
L0803 AT+CGACT PDP context activate or deactivate
L0804 AT+CGDCONT Define PDP context
L0805 AT+CGDSCONT Define Secondary PDP Context
L0806 AT+CGTFT Traffic Flow Template
L0807 AT+CGQREQ Quality of service profile (requested)
L0808 AT+CGEQREQ 3G quality of service profile (requested)
L0809 AT+CGQMIN Quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
L0810 AT+CGEQMIN 3G quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
L0811 AT+CGDATA Enter data state
L0812 AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
L0813 AT+CGCLASS GPRS mobile station class
L0814 AT+CGEREP GPRS event reporting
L0815 AT+CGAUTH Set type of authentication for PDP-IP connections of GPRS



9. SMS Command Description
L0901 AT+CSMS Select message service
L0902 AT+CPMS Preferred message storage
L0903 AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
L0904 AT+CSCA SMS service centre address
L0905 AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast message indication
L0906 AT+CSMP Set text mode parameters
L0907 AT+CSDH Show text mode parameters
L0908 AT+CNMA New message acknowledgement to ME/TA
L0909 AT+CNMI New message indications to TE
L0910 AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
L0911 AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
L0912 AT+CMGR Read message
L0913 AT+CMGS Send message
L0914 AT+CMSS Send message from storage
L0915 AT+CMGW Write message to memory
L0916 AT+CMGD Delete message
L0917 AT+CMGMT Change message status
L0918 AT+CMVP Set message valid period
L0919 AT+CMGRD Read and delete message
L0920 AT+CMGSEX Send message
L0921 AT+CMSSEX Send multi messages from storage
L0922 AT+CMGP Set cdma/evdo text mode parameters




10. SSL Command Description
L1001 AT+CCHSTART Start SSL service
L1002 AT+CCHSTOP Stop SSL service
L1003 AT+CCHOPEN Connect to SSL server
L1004 AT+CCHCLOSE Disconnect from SSL server
L1005 AT+CCHSEND Send data to SSL server
L1006 AT+CCHRECV Read the cached data that received from the SSL server
L1007 AT+CCHADDR Get the IPV4 address
L1008 AT+CCHCFG Configure the client context
L1009 AT+CCHSSLCFG Set the SSL context
L1010 AT+CCHSET Configure the report mode of sending and receiving data
L1011 AT+CCHMODE Configure the mode of sending and receiving data
L1012 AT+CSSLCFG Configure the SSL context
L1013 AT+CCERTDOWN Download certificate into the module
L1014 AT+CCERTLIST List certificates
L1015 AT+CCERTDELE Delete certificates



11. TCP/UDP Command Description
L1101 AT+NETOPEN Start TCPIP service
L1102 AT+NETCLOSE Stop TCPIP service
L1103 AT+CIPOPEN Setup TCP/UDP client socket connection
L1104 AT+CIPCLOSE Destroy TCP/UDP client socket connection
L1105 AT+CIPSEND Send TCP/UDP data
L1106 AT+CIPRXGET Retrieve TCP/UDP buffered data
L1107 AT+IPADDR Get IP address of PDP context
L1108 AT+CIPHEAD Add an IP header when receiving data
L1109 AT+CIPSRIP Show remote IP address and port
L1110 AT+CIPMODE Select TCP/IP application mode
L1111 AT+CIPSENDMOE Set sending mode
L1112 AT+CIPTIMEOUT Set TCP/IP timeout value
L1113 AT+CIPCCFG Configure parameters of socket
L1114 AT+SERVERSTART Startup TCP server
L1115 AT+SERVERSTOP Stop TCP server
L1116 AT+CIPACK Query TCP connection data transmitting status
L1131 AT+CDNSGIP Query the IP address of given domain name
L1132 AT+CDNSGHNAME Query the domain name of given IP address
L1133 AT+CIPDNSSET Set DNS query parameters
L1134 AT+CPING Ping destination address
L1135 AT+CPINGSTOP Stop an ongoing ping session



12. FTPS Command Description
L1201 AT+CFTPSSTART Start FTP(S) service
L1202 AT+CFTPSSTOP Stop FTP(S) Service
L1203 AT+CFTPSLOGIN Login to a FTP(S)server
L1204 AT+CFTPSLOGOUT Logout FTP(S) server
L1205 AT+CFTPSMKD Create a new directory on FTP(S) server
L1206 AT+CFTPSRMD Delete a directory on FTP(S) server
L1207 AT+CFTPSDELE Delete a file on FTP(S) server
L1208 AT+CFTPSCWD Change the current directory on FTP(S) server
L1209 AT+CFTPSPWD Get the current directory on FTP(S) server
L1210 AT+CFTPSTYPE set the transfer type on FTP(S) server
L1211 AT+CFTPSLIST List the items in the directory on FTP(S) server
L1212 AT+CFTPSGETFILE Get a file from FTP(S) server to module
L1213 AT+CFTPSPUTFILE Put a file from module to FTP(S) server
L1214 AT+CFTPSGET Get a file from FTP(S) server to serial port
L1215 AT+CFTPSPUT Put a file to FTP(S) server through serial port
L1216 AT+CFTPSSINGLEIP Set FTP(S) data socket address type
L1217 AT+CFTPSCACHERD Output cached data to MCU
L1218 AT+CFTPSABORT Abort FTP(S) operations
L1219 AT+CFTPSSIZE Get the File Size on FTP(S) server



13. HTTP(S) Command Description
L1301 AT+HTTPINIT Sart HTTP(S) service
L1302 AT+HTTPTERM Stop HTTP(S) service.
L1303 AT+HTTPPARA Set HTTP(S) Parameter
L1304 AT+HTTPACTION HTTP(S) Method Action
L1305 AT+HTTPHEAD Read the HTTP(S) Header Information of Server Response
L1306 AT+HTTPREAD Read the response Information of HTTP(S) Server
L1307 AT+HTTPDATA Input HTTP(S) Data
L1308 AT+HTTPPOSTFILE Send HTTP(S) Request to HTTP server by File
L1309 AT+HTTPREADFILE Receive HTTP(S) Response Content to a file



14. HTP Command Description
L1401 AT+CHTPSERV Set HTP server info
L1402 AT+CHTPUPDATE Updating date time using HTP protocol



15. NTP Command Description
L1501 AT+CNTP Update system time



16. MQTT(S) Command Description
L1601 AT+CMQTTSTART Start MQTT service
L1603 AT+CMQTTACCQ Acquire a client
L1604 AT+CMQTTREL Release a client
L1605 AT+CMQTTSSLCFG Set the SSL context
L1606 AT+CMQTTWILLTOPIC Input the will topic
L1607 AT+CMQTTWILLMSG Input the will message
L1608 AT+CMQTTDISC Disconnect from server
L1609 AT+CMQTTCONNECT Connect to MQTT server
L1610 AT+CMQTTTOPIC Input the publish message topic
L1611 AT+CMQTTPAYLOAD Input the publish message body
L1612 AT+CMQTTPUB Publish a message to server
L1613 AT+CMQTTSUBTOPIC Input a subscribe message topic
L1614 AT+CMQTTSUB Subscribe a message to server
L1615 AT+CMQTTUNSUBTOPIC Input a unsubscribe message topic
L1616 AT+CMQTTUNSUB Unsubscribe a message to server
L1617 AT+CMQTTCFG Configure the MQTT Context



17. GPS Command Description
L1701 AT+CGPS Start/Stop GPS Session
L1702 AT+CGPSINFO Get GPS fixed position information
L1703 AT+CGPSCOLD Cold start GPS
L1704 AT+CGPSHOT Hot start GPS
L1705 AT+CGPSURL Set AGPS default server URL
L1706 AT+CGPSSSL Set AGPS transport security
L1707 AT+CGPSAUTO Start GPS automatic
L1708 AT+CGPSNMEA Configure NMEA sentence type
L1709 AT+CGPSNMEARATE Set NMEA output rate
L1710 AT+CGPSMD Configure AGPS MO method
L1711 AT+CGPSFTM Start GPS test mode
L1712 AT+CGPSDEL Delete the GPS information
L1713 AT+CGPSXE Enable/Disable GPS XTRA function
L1714 AT+CGPSXD Download XTRA assistant file
L1715 AT+CGPSXDAUTO Download XTRA assistant file automatically
L1716 AT+CGPSINFOCFG Download Report GPS NMEA-0183 sentence
L1717 AT+CGPSPMD Configure positioning mode
L1718 AT+CGPSMSB Configure based mode switch to standalone
L1719 AT+CGPSHOR Configure positioning desired accuracy
L1720 AT+CGPSNOTIFY LCS respond positioning request
L1721 AT+CGNSSINFO Get GNSS fixed position information
L1722 AT+CGNSSMODE Configure GNSS support mode
L1723 AT+CGPSIPV6 Set AGPS IPV6 Addr&Port
L1724 AT+CGPSXTRADATA Query the validity of the current gpsOne XTRA data



18. LBS Command Description
L1801 AT+CLBS Base station Location
L1802 AT+CLBSCFG Base station Location configure
L1803 AT+CASSISTLOC Base station location of LTE/CDMA1x mode



18. Open/Close Net Command Description
L1804 AT+CNETSTART Open network
L1805 AT+CNETSTOP Close network
L1806 AT+CNETIPADDR Inquire PDP address



19. Hardware Command Description
L1901 AT+CVALARM Low and high voltage Alarm
L1902 AT+CVAUXS Set state of the pin named VREG_AUX1
L1903 AT+CVAUXV Set voltage value of the pin named VREG_AUX1
L1904 AT+CADC Read ADC value
L1905 AT+CADC2 Read ADC2 value
L1906 AT+CMTE Control the module whether power shutdown when the module’s temperature upon the critical temperature
L1907 AT+CPMVT Low and high voltage Power Off
L1908 AT+CDELTA Set the module go to recovery mode
L1909 AT+CRIIC Read values from register of IIC device
L1910 AT+CWIIC Write values to register of IIC device
L1911 AT+CBC Read the voltage value of the power supply
L1912 AT+CPMUTEMP Read the temperature of the module
L1913 AT+CFDISK SD Card/EMMC Flash
L1914 AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH Change module’s PID
L1915 AT+IPREX Set local baud rate permanently
L1916 AT+CFGRI Indicate RI when using URC
L1917 AT+CSCLK Enable UART Sleep or always work
L1918 AT+CMUX Enable the multiplexer over the UART
L1919 AT+CGFUNC Enable/Disable the function for the special GPIO
L1920 AT+CGDRT Set the direction of specified GPIO
L1921 AT+CGSETV Set the value of the specified GPIO
L1922 AT+CGGETV Get the value of the specified GPIO
L1923 AT+CGISR Set GPIO interrupt trigger condition



20. File System Command Description
L2001 AT+FSCD Select directory as current directory
L2002 AT+FSMKDIR Make new directory in current directory
L2003 AT+FSRMDIR Delete directory in current directory
L2004 AT+FSLS List directories/files in current directory
L2005 AT+FSDEL Delete file in current directory
L2006 AT+FSRENAME Rename file in current directory
L2007 AT+FSATTRI Request file attributes
L2008 AT+FSMEM Check the size of available memory
L2009 AT+FSLOCA Select storage place
L2010 AT+FSCOPY Copy an appointed file
L2011 AT+CFTRANRX Transfer a file to EFS
L2012 AT+CFTRANTX Transfer a file from EFS to host



21. Audio Command Description
L2101 AT+CREC Record wav audio file
L2102 AT+CRECAMR Record amr audio file
L2103 AT+CCMXPLAYWAV Play wav audio file
L2104 AT+CCMXSTOPWAV Stop playing wav audio file
L2105 AT+CCMXPLAY Play audio file
L2106 AT+CCMXSTOP Stop playing audio file



22. TTS Command Description
L2201 AT+CDTAM TTS play path, local or remote
L2202 AT+CTTS TTS operation, play or stop
L2203 AT+CTTSPARAM TTS parameters, set or get



23. FOAT Command Description
L2301 AT+CAPFOTA Start/Close FOTA Service
L2302 AT+CSCFOTA Configure parameters and download upgrade package



24. UIM Hot Swap Command Description
L2401 AT+UIMHOTSWAPON Set UIM hotswap function on
L2402 AT+UIMHOTSWAPLEVEL Set UIM card detection level



25. HSIC LAN Command Description
L2501 AT+CENABLELAN Enable LAN function
L2502 AT+CLANMODE Set LAN mode
L2503 AT+CLANCTRL Set LAN configure
L2504 AT+CHSICSLEEP Allow Hsic Device Go to AutoSleep



26. ECALL Command Description
L2601 AT+CECALLS Make e-call
L2602 AT+CECALLE Hang up e-call
L2603 AT+CECALLCFG Configure e-call MSD information
L2604 AT+CECALLPOS Set position information
L2605 AT+CECALLTIME Set timestamp
L2606 AT+CMSDVERSION Set MSD serialize version
L2607 AT+CECALLTOUT Set T5,T6,T7 timeout value
L2608 AT+CMSDMESSAGEID Set the initiatory message identifier of msd data Description
L2609 AT+CMSDOIDDATA Set the optional additional data
L2610 AT+CMSD Input hex Minimum set of data(MSD)
L2611 AT+CMSDCONTROL Set the control data in Minimum set of data



27. MIFI Command Description
L2701 AT+CWMAP Open/Close WIFI
L2702 AT+CWSSID SSID setting
L2703 AT+CWBCAST Broadcast setting
L2704 AT+CWAUTH Authentication setting
L2705 AT+CWMOCH 80211 mode and channel setting
L2706 AT+CWISO Client isolation setting, W58 Only
L2707 AT+CWDHCP Get the current DHCP configuration
L2708 AT+CWNAT NAT type setting, W58 Only
L2709 AT+CWCLICNT Get client number connected to the WIFI
L2710 AT+CWRSTD Restore to default setting
L2711 AT+CWMAPCFG WIFI configuration setting, W58 Only
L2713 AT+CWLANMSG Send message
L2714 AT+CWLANMGET Manual get cached bytes
L2715 AT+CWMACADDR Get MAC address
L2716 AT+CWNETCNCT Query the connection to the network
L2717 AT+CWSTAIP Get STA mode IP address
L2718 AT+CWSTASCAN Scan WIFI network
L2719 AT+CWSTACFG STA mode configuration setting
L2720 AT+CWSTAINIT STA mode setting, W58L Only
L2721 AT+CWUSRINFO Auth information of wifi data call setting



28. BLUETOOTH Command Description
L2801 AT+BTPOWER Open/Close BT
L2802 AT+BTHOST Get/Set host name
L2803 AT+BTSCAN Scan BT devices
L2804 AT+BTIOCAP IOCAP Mode Setting
L2805 AT+BTPAIR Pair with the paired BT devices
L2806 AT+BTUNPAIR Unpair with the paired BT devices
L2807 AT+BTPAIRED Get Paired BT devices
L2808 AT+BTSPPSRV Active/Deactive spp server
L2809 AT+BTSPPPROF Get remote device spp status
L2810 AT+BTSPPCONN SPP connect/disconnect
L2811 AT+BTSPPSEND SPP send data
L2816 AT+BTGATTCRECHAR Create Service characteristic
L2817 AT+BTGATTCRECHARDES Create Service characteristic description
L2821 AT+BTGATTNOTIFY Send Notification to client
L2822 AT+BTGATTSENDIND Send Indication to client
L2823 +BTSPPRECV SPP receive data
L2824 +BTGATTCONN Client connect status
L2825 +BTGATTREADIND Receive client read request
L2826 +BTGATTWRIND Receive client write request








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